Win or Cry Trying
The Toyota Hall of Fame is most prestigious entity in all of Fantasy Football, which means everything we create for it must be just as epic.
Good thing we became the first major brand to sync the Oculus with Leap Motion Technology creating a completely immersive experience. It allows people to seamlessly interact with the environment using real world gestures such as picking up a hammer and swinging it, just like you commonly do in real life.
Now Hall hopefuls can attempt to carve the ultimate symbol of Hall of Fame success, a perfect bronze bust, intuitively, with their bare hands.
Nerdy stuff:
Even in the heart of Silicon Valley, few consumers had the opportunity to put on a VR headset first-hand, until this experience. Fantasy Football wins again!
We used it to wow fans with the spectacle of our virtual Hall of Fantasy Football, then went further with an interactive game to show just what it takes to be “Hall of Famous.”
We embedded Oculus Rift headsets with Leap Motion VR, allowing anyone to reach into virtual reality with their bare hands.
Leap Motion uses infrared sensors to track user's hands and fingers on the fly, which meant we could challenge users to create their very own bronze Hall of Fame busts, just like the real fantasy players who have been inducted before them, by picking up a smorgasbord of virtual hammers and tools to start swinging away.
Participants quickly found out whether or not they had a sculptor's magic touch while the crowd watched on linked monitor displays.